
【重磅信息】WSJ:中美竞争之下,习近平提拔大批科技专业人士进入中共领导层 (Under the competition between China and the United States, Xi Jinping promoted a large number of scientific and technological professionals to the leadership of the Communist Party of China)



总部坐落华盛顿的布鲁金斯学会智库汇编的数据显示,具有技能特长的我国官员在新建立的中央委员会中占据了81个座位,占总座位的近40% 。中央委员会是决议重大国家方针的精英机构。该数据仅与《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)分享。相比之下,前一届中央委员会的这一比例不到18% 。上个月,在北京举行的五年一度的秘密会议上宣告了新方针 。




布鲁金斯学会我国研讨中心主任李成汇编并剖析了这些数据,他说: “这些不仅仅是废话或空洞的目标。他特意选拔来自该范畴的领导人进入我国领导层。”

r/China_irl - WSJ:中美竞赛之下,习近平选拔大批科技专业人士进入中共领导层


在新一波录用之前一个月,美国国家安全顾问杰克·沙利文(Jake Sullivan)宣告美国自己的战略改变,即开始在根底技能范畴对我国等竞赛对手保持“尽可能大的抢先”。本年10月,美国商务部发布了全面的出口控制办法,以遏止我国制造和获取先进芯片的才能,这是北京自己认为的对其经济和军事雄心的诸多方面至关重要的瓶颈之一。

中央委员会的许多新技能官僚来自北京方面确定为战略重点的新式工业,包含半导体、环境科学和生物技能。 布鲁金斯学会只计算那些取得科学或工程学位并随后在该范畴作业的人。它不包含那些专攻经济和金融的人。



科技专家的忽然增加在必定程度上是由于我国政治精英组成的改变。 黄在5月发布的一份报告中剖析了各省领导人的布景,他说,胡领导下的大多数高级官员都是在文革期间成年的,因而被剥夺了受教育的时机。


依照布鲁金斯学会的界说,在我国执政的七人政治局常委中,只有一人是技能官僚。政治危险咨询公司Future Risk的研讨主管特里斯坦•肯德丁(Tristan Kenderdine)说,丁薛祥有时被视为保守派官僚和新式技能精英之间的桥梁。丁薛祥是习先生的政治学生,他的职业生涯分别从事资料研讨和政府办理。

r/China_irl - WSJ:中美竞赛之下,习近平选拔大批科技专业人士进入中共领导层




政治局的另一位新成员尹力是一位世界闻名的公共卫生专家,曾任世界卫生安排副主席,哈佛大学访问学者。2003年,在我国卫生部,他帮助制定了我国应对 SARS 危机的方案。

r/China_irl - WSJ:中美竞赛之下,习近平选拔大批科技专业人士进入中共领导层






China’s Xi Stacks Government With Science and Tech Experts Amid Rivalry With U.S. - WSJ


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my country's leader, Xi Jinping, has installed a new generation of leaders at the top of the Communist Party with experience in aerospace, artificial intelligence, and other strategically important fields. Currently, Beijing is seeking to become a technological superpower that can rival the United States. The number of officials with scientific and technical backgrounds in the 205-member Communist Party Central Committee has risen to levels roughly equivalent to those seen during the first five-year term of former leader Jiang Zemin. In 1992, Jiang Zemin started the rapid development of scientific research and innovation. The increase comes at a time when Washington is taking steps to curb our nation's tech industry and boost American innovation. Chinese officials with technical expertise occupy 81 seats on the newly created Central Committee, or nearly 40 percent of the total, according to data compiled by the Washington-based Brookings Institution think tank. The Central Committee is an elite body that decides major national policies. The data is only shared with The Wall Street Journal. That compares with less than 18 percent in the previous Central Committee. The new guidelines were announced last month at a secret meeting held every five years in Beijing. In the 24-member Politburo, the heart of the CCP Central Committee, the number of scientifically and skilled decision makers has increased from two to eight. For most of its 73 years in power, the Communist Party has struggled to recruit skilled and knowledgeable elites, so-called skilled bureaucrats, rather than pure political operators—the so-called "reds versus experts" debate. Although Mr. Xi is often compared to Mao Zedong, who was ideologically skeptical of experts, he has repeatedly demonstrated his belief in the importance of scientific skills in building our country's economic and military might. "Science and technology are the number one productive force, talents are the number one resource, and innovation is the number one driving force," Xi said at the National Congress of the Communist Party of my country last month. Cheng Li, director of the my country Studies Center at the Brookings Institution, who compiled and analyzed the data, said: "These are not just nonsense or empty goals. He is specifically promoting leaders from the field into my country's leadership." r/China_irl - WSJ: Under the Sino-US competition, Xi Jinping selected a large number of technology professionals to join the leadership of the Communist Party of China Under Xi's predecessor, Hu Jintao, several top leaders had engineering backgrounds, but lower party officials lacked that experience. This left few nominees promoted to more influential positions in central government in subsequent years. These roles are in turn filled by leaders trained in economics and the social sciences. The new wave of appointments comes a month after US national security adviser Jake Sullivan announced a shift in US strategy of its own to begin maintaining "the greatest possible lead" over rivals such as my country in basic technology. In October, the U.S. Commerce Department unveiled sweeping export controls to curb my country's ability to manufacture and acquire advanced chips, one of the bottlenecks Beijing itself considers critical to many aspects of its economic and military ambitions. Many of the new tech bureaucrats on the Central Committee come from emerging industries that Beijing has identified as strategic priorities, including semiconductors, environmental science and biotechnology. The Brookings Institution counts only those who earn a science or engineering degree and subsequently work in that field. It does not include those who specialize in economics and finance. Space experts headed the 20 seats, forming what is sometimes referred to in Chinese politics as the "space clique" or "world club." Their dominance underscores the importance Xi attaches to the military-industrial profession's role in my country's military-civilian fusion strategy and a source of national pride, said Lee of the Brookings Institution. Given the success of my country's aerospace industry, these experts have also demonstrated "impeccable aptitude" in managing large teams and complex projects, skills that oversee Indispensable for national and provincial processing. The sudden increase in technologists is partly due to a change in the makeup of our country's political elite. In a report released in May dissecting the background of the provincial leaders, Huang said most senior officials under Hu came of age during the Cultural Revolution and were thus deprived of education. By contrast, the current generation of experts being selected is highly educated and has extensive research or professional experience, according to the Brookings Institution analysis. Mr. Li said many people have obtained postgraduate and doctoral degrees, studied abroad, run universities or multinational companies, including some Fortune 500 companies. According to the definition of the Brookings Institution, among the seven members of the Politburo Standing Committee in power in my country, only one is a technocrat. Tristan Kenderdine, research director at political risk consultancy Future Risk, said Mr. Ding was sometimes seen as a bridge between conservative bureaucrats and the new tech elite. Ding Xuexiang is Mr. Xi's political student, and his career has been engaged in data research and government management. r/China_irl - WSJ: Under the Sino-US competition, Xi Jinping selected a large number of technology professionals to join the leadership of the Communist Party of China One level down, in the Politburo, the background of technical experts is even more promising. Ma Xingrui is a member of the "World Club" and is considered another student of Xi. He has a 25-year career in aerospace, holding leadership positions in multiple industries, including university administration, a state-owned aerospace contractor, and government agencies including the my country National Space Administration. He has also served as the commander-in-chief of many space missions, including my country's first lunar surface exploration mission. In 2013, he entered government service and worked his way up to become governor of Guangdong province. Guangdong Province is one of the economic engines of our country, which is why he was in the Central Committee. According to Chinese investigators, in 2021, he was transferred to the difficult Northwest Xinjiang to serve as party secretary, which shows that Beijing has great trust in his talents. In October, he was promoted to a member of the Politburo. Yin Li, another new member of the Politburo, is a world-renowned public health expert, former vice-chairman of the World Health Organization, and a visiting scholar at Harvard University. In 2003, at our Ministry of Health, he helped formulate our country's response to the SARS crisis. r/China_irl - WSJ: Under the Sino-US competition, Xi Jinping selected a large number of technology professionals to join the leadership of the Communist Party of China At the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China last month, the establishment of a new Central Committee focused on science and technology was announced. Yin Li entered the government in 2015, quickly rising to become governor of Sichuan province and taking a seat on the Central Committee. He was named party chief of Beijing on Sunday, and Chinese observers expect his expertise to play a major role in the management of the coronavirus and the eventual reopening of the capital. Provincial governments are also picking up tech experts, suggesting their influence will continue to grow. MacroPolo's Huang said that MacroPolo's initial analysis found that many provincial experts were matched with occupations that matched their specialties, which could improve the management of high-tech industries and strengthen their development. For example, Xu Dazhe, a veteran of the aerospace industry, held key government positions in Hunan province from 2016 to 2021. Hunan province, a major aerospace research center, helped develop my country's self-developed Beidou satellite navigation system to replace the US's Global Positioning System. During his tenure, Xu Dazhe stepped up investment in Beidou and expanded the local industrial base through cooperation with the state-owned airline, Huang said. After Xu Dazhe retired last year, Zhang Qingwei, another aviation veteran, replaced him as secretary of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee. Zhang Qingwei was the party secretary of Heilongjiang, a major commercial aircraft manufacturing province. Xu Dazhe resigned as a member of the Central Committee, Zhang Qingwei is still one of them.



