
外媒深度回顾习近平对西方硬气的讲话,外媒点评评论《习近平这些年的霸气语录》 Foreign media deeply reviewed Xi Jinping's speeches against the West's toughness, and foreign media commented on "Xi Jinping's Domineering Quotations Over the Years"









我国领导人的骂功由来已久,其中最闻名的恐怕就属毛泽东在一九六五年秋写的诗词《念奴娇 鸟儿问答》。不过他其时骂的不是西方,而是共产阵营的老大哥苏联。

这首诗词中包含了对前苏共领导人赫鲁晓夫的骂词,"还有吃的 土豆烧熟了 再加牛肉 不须放屁 试看六合翻覆 "。这段由中央电台播音员字正腔圆地重复播出,耳熟能详毛泽东诗词的确显现出在中苏交恶时期我国人的节气。







































*删去硬话 在美高官访华前示好?*








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When Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping met with Chinese in Mexico on February 11, he criticized a small number of foreigners for making irresponsible remarks on my country's affairs. The language he used caused great repercussions among Chinese at home and abroad. Xi Jinping said, "Some foreigners who are full and have nothing to do criticize our work. First, my country does not export innovation, second, it does not export hunger and poverty, and third, it does not bother you. What else can we say?" As soon as this remark came out, it quickly caused a sensation on the Chinese Internet in my country and overseas. This point can be seen from the views of some netizens published on the Xinhua blog. Among them, Song Baoshi wrote in his blog: I remember Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping and other leaders of the older generation liked to express our ideas in straightforward language. He believes that only such straightforwardness can show the confidence of a responsible big country; only straightforwardness can better express the clear sentiment of a country that is moving toward a strong country; and only straightforwardness can make Chinese people feel refreshed! Some netizens said that now that our country is strong, we should speak domineeringly; some said that it is better to name certain foreigners, and suggested that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs should do the same when speaking. A netizen on Sina.com simply commented on the three current Chinese leaders: "Premier Wen is close to the people, Chairman Hu is generous, and Chairman Xi is tough." He also said, "Xi Jinping inherits my country's integrity towards the West in the Mao Zedong era." solar term Our country's leaders have been criticized for a long time, and the most famous of them is probably Mao Zedong's poem "Nian Nujiao: Questions and Answers of Birds" written in the autumn of 1965. But what he scolded at the time was not the West, but the Soviet Union, the big brother of the communist camp. This poem contains insults to Khrushchev, the former leader of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, "There is still something to eat, potatoes are cooked, and beef is added, no need to fart, try to see the world overturned." This passage was repeatedly broadcast by the announcer of China Central Radio, and the familiar Mao Zedong's poems did show the integrity of the Chinese people during the period of Sino-Soviet hostility. But the phrase "don't fart, just try to overturn the world" later became the motto of the young Red Guard general who turned our country upside down. No wonder Xi Jinping called some foreigners "I have nothing to do when I'm full" and won warm applause and applause from the angry youth who are serving as the new generation of Red Guards. In the era of Deng Xiaoping, scolding was further promoted. When Deng Xiaoping visited Southeast Asia in 1978, he simply called the Soviet Union a "bastard" with dirty words. However, since Jiang Ze's democratic administration, it has been rare to see the leaders of the CCP treat foreigners coldly. During Jiang Zemin's foreign visits, he recited and sang in English, danced the waltz, and played the erhu from time to time. This was praised by the Chinese media as "big power diplomacy". Although this kind of diplomatic approach close to flattering the West makes people feel nasty, Jiang Zemin has changed the image of the CCP leaders in the past as monolithic in front of outsiders. Domineering However, Xi Jinping's challenge to the West seems to be one of the leaders of the CCP in the Hu-Wen era. This more or less balanced the diplomatic dilemma of Wen Jiabao being thrown his shoe when he was giving a speech in Cambridge. At the same time, it also demonstrates Xi Jinping's princeling-like arrogance. Xi Zhongxun, Xi Jinping's father, was one of the more liberal elders of the CCP and was mistreated during the Cultural Revolution. And like most descendants of CCP veterans who were punished during the Cultural Revolution, now known as "princelings", Xi Jinping himself does not seem to have learned from them. After the reform and opening up, the princelings took advantage of their father's connections to become officials and do business. It is the most direct beneficiary of what Deng Xiaoping said "allowing a small number of people to get rich first". One of the biggest democratic appeals of the June 4th Tiananmen Square students' democratic movement was the anti-official and anti-corruption campaign against the princelings. Now, the princelings with power and money have the potential to become the backbone of our country's future leadership. Xi Jinping uttered wild words during his second foreign visit after taking office, and the outside world has different interpretations of the reasons behind it. Some people think that Xi Jinping's words are meant for Americans, and they say that on the eve of the new US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's trip to Asia, my country will be the last stop of Hillary Clinton's trip. However, since the Chinese government does not want to directly confront the United States, shortly after Xi Jinping announced the above speech, Chinese official media have withdrawn his original words. Some analysts also said that this reflects the dispute within the CCP on whether Li Keqiang or Xi Jinping will succeed. As a princeling, Xi Jinping has spoken out loud, which has aroused criticism from the opposition within the party. Bullish Let's take a look at the "three nos" proposed by Xi Jinping in his speech, that is, "do not export innovation, do not export hunger and poverty, and do not torment you." The implication is that we don't make trouble for you, don't torment you, and you don't bother us. It highlights the current bullishness of our country in the international community. At a time when the global financial crisis has triggered an economic recession and Western powers are crossing the river like mud bodhisattvas, there are indeed some passionate and angry youths who think that it is the turn of the Chinese to eat meat and the foreigners to drink soup. The wealthy "savior" of our country should have a good experience of foreigners who criticize our country. But it would be a loss of the dignity of a big country to say this kind of concept through the mouth of our country's vice president. A responsible big country in the international community and a scoundrel who got rich overnight are completely different things. Yes, our government is now able to solve the problem of food and clothing for 1.3 billion people, which is very remarkable. But it would be politically naive to think that this is enough to silence outsiders who are blind to other problems in our country. The English "South China Morning Post" published in Hong Kong reported that the official media in mainland my country yesterday used Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping to criticize the West for "having enough to eat and nothing to do" during his visit to Mexico, and for "pointing fingers" at my country. The words were removed from the webpage, and all media were asked to refer to the drafts of the "People's Daily" and "Xinhua News Agency". The South China Morning Post quoted at least two sources in my country's official media as saying that they were instructed by their superiors to take down Xi Jinping's remarks and videos critical of the West. Many Chinese media reported that Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping criticized a small number of foreigners for commenting on my country's affairs when he met with ethnic Chinese in Mexico on February 11. He said: "Some foreigners who are full and have nothing to do are dictating our work. First, our country does not export innovation, second, it does not export hunger and poverty, and third, it does not bother you. What else can we say?" ​ *Response is hot* As soon as this remark came out, it quickly caused a sensation on the Chinese Internet, which is strictly controlled by the government. Some ultra-nationalist netizens who are called "angry youth" or "left anger" abroad have expressed Their spirits were refreshed, and it had been a long time since they heard such a straightforward voice. Xi Jinping's speech greatly increased the aspirations of our people and destroyed the prestige of foreigners. A blog post published by Xinhuanet was titled "It's too happy, Xi Jinping criticized some foreigners who are full and have nothing to do." The article said: It has been a long time since I heard such a straightforward voice. I remember that Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping and other leaders of the older generation liked to express our ideas in straightforward words. Compared with diplomatic rhetoric such as strong protest and strong condemnation, this straightforward voice can directly poke the handle of those foreigners who "have nothing to do when they are full" and like to point fingers and interfere in other countries' internal affairs. In a post on Sina.com, a netizen said: "Premier Wen is close to the people, Chairman Hu is generous, and Chairman Xi is tough." "Xi Jinping inherited my country's "solarity" with the West in Mao Zedong's era, "Chairman Xi has shown us hope." Xi Jinping's tough rhetoric against the West has also aroused heated criticism from overseas rhetoric. A signed article in the "Lianhe Zaobao" commented: As Hu Jintao's top successor, Xi Jinping denounced "certain foreigners" for interfering in my country's internal affairs with plain and straightforward words, which made the outside world somewhat astonished. Lianhe Zaobao quoted a scholar in Beijing who studies my country's political situation and pointed out that although Xi Jinping was born in a high-ranking family, his father was beaten when he was young, which made him have long-term contacts with the grassroots. He scolded "foreigners" with grassroots words such as "I have nothing to do when I am full" and "pointing fingers", which is still very rare among Chinese leaders after the reform and opening up. This rebuke shows to a certain extent that Xi Jinping does not have a good impression of Western countries, and it also shows that the future top leader of my country may adopt a tougher foreign policy in the future. *Mainstream official media did not mention* In addition, some overseas commentators believe that Xi Jinping's rhetoric is a bit extreme and old-fashioned, which does not fit the image of contemporary my country's reform and opening up. Singapore's "Lianhe Zaobao" quoted scholars as saying that Xi Jinping's remarks did not appear to be comments made by high-level groups, because mainstream official media did not report these remarks. Scholars analyzed that Xi Jinping's stern accusation of "some foreigners" interfering in my country's affairs not only expresses dissatisfaction with the West's restrictions on my country on issues such as Tibet and human rights, but also hopes that after Hu Jintao used grassroots words such as "no trouble", through Speech full of personal characteristics shows a tough side to improve the image, gain more domestic rhetorical support, and build a rhetorical foundation for taking over the big position three years later. *What about America?* The South China Morning Post quoted Sun Zhe, director of the China-US Relations Research Center at Tsinghua University, as saying that Xi Jinping’s colloquial expression can also be interpreted as a more docile next-generation Chinese leader, and at the same time, it also expresses that Chinese leaders are more sympathetic to my country’s development model. pride. Hong Kong's "Sing Tao Daily" believes that although Xi Jinping did not name the countries that these "pointing fingers" are, but Xi Jinping chose to announce his remarks in the "backyard" of the United States, which has a strong meaning against the United States. *Discussor: The United States and China need to tide over the difficulties* Shi Qiping, a well-known Hong Kong political commentator, commented on Hong Kong TV media that in the current financial turmoil sweeping the world, the direction of US-China relations is crucial. The two countries must intensify their cooperation. "Now we are in a stage of imbalance in the global economic structure. The imbalance of this global economic structure is concretely reflected in the connection between the United States and my country. The imbalance between the United States and my country reflects the global imbalance. These two countries There must be a common attitude and a common attitude to deal with this issue. To deal with this issue together, perhaps some kind of communication must be conducted. This communication covers a wide range of fields, not only economics, but also politics, communication, counter-terrorism, and even The Taiwan issue is all possible." *Delete hard words to show goodwill before senior US officials visit China?* Observers have noticed that after the new U.S. President Barack Obama took office, U.S.-China relations are at a wonderful start. Although the South China Morning Post quoted Chinese scholars and hoped that Xi Jinping's words would not be interpreted as anti-Western, but because Xi Jinping is the next Chinese leader, the West will pay special attention to Xi Jinping's words. Observers also noticed that my country's official media deleted Xi Jinping's tough rhetoric and video alluding to the United States, apparently showing good intentions before US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's visit to China. In addition, on the eve of Hillary's visit to China, whether China will release dissident intellectual Liu Xiaobo as a concession in human rights diplomacy, so as to interact with the US on other major political and diplomatic bilateral issues is also an important issue of Hillary's visit to China. Aspect. Anton: He encourages the people to dream, which is of course the very reliable Chinese dream. He advocates strict governance of the party, so the first to be locked in the cage will be the power. He believes that anti-corruption will take everything. Tigers and flies have to fight together. He hopes to set an example for a clean government. In the future, riding a domestic car without drinking will become a new fashion in the political world. He loves sports and stayed up late to watch basketball games. He said that he is the son of a farmer, and he is Xi Jinping in the hearts of fans, but now he is the supreme leader of our country. With Xi Jinping elected as the country's top leader, his personal experience and words have become the focus of media attention, and some people even began to compile what Xi Jinping said into quotations, as a wind vane for the future development of our country. In "Xi's Quotations", the main thing is that "you need to work hard to strike iron." This was said when Xi Jinping talked about anti-corruption at the press conference of the Seventh Standing Committee on November 14 last year. The reason why this sentence became popular is partly due to the vivid interpretation of foreign media. For example, the translation of the British "Daily Telegraph" is: "In order to strike iron, your hammer is hard"; while the translation of the American media is "In order to strike iron "He who forges iron must be strong." In fact, no matter how you explain it, Xi Jinping's anti-corruption declaration shocked the world. On January 22 of this year, Xi Jinping talked about anti-corruption again. He mentioned that "it is never allowed to have goals at the top and countermeasures at the bottom." We must insist on fighting "tigers" and "flies" together. This common saying that has been circulated for a long time in the streets and alleys seems very close to the people when it is spoken by the leaders. The same is to promote anti-corruption. Xi Jinping's sentence "locking power in the cage of the system" can be described as domineering, demonstrating his determination and strength to never tolerate corruption. Perhaps because he was born in a family of generals, Xi Jinping's words received even more intense reactions in the military circles. His words of "being able to engage troops and win battles" have become the relentless goal pursued by various services of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Similar to Wen Jiabao's fondness for quoting ancient poems, Xi Jinping has used poems many times in his speeches. And he seems to have special poems, such as "Xiongguan Road is like iron", "The right way in the world is vicissitudes", "Traveling all over the green mountains, people are not old, and the scenery here is unique." Not only is it catchy to say, but it is also interpreted by the media as a good absorption of the core spiritual resources of the older generation of leaders.



