Xi: 报纸**, 不合适啊 Interpreter: everything we discussed was leaked to the paper, that's not appropriate Xi: 而且我们也不是那样进行的 interpreter: and that's not how the way the conversation was conducted Xi: 如果有诚心,咱们就互相尊重,来进行谈话 Interpreter: there is...(interrupted) Xi: 否则这个结果就不好说了 Interpreter: if there's sincerity on your half...(interrupted again) Trudeau: in Canada we believe in free and open and frank dialog, and that is what we will continue to have. We will continue to look to work constructively together, but there will be things we will disagree on. Xi: 创造条件,创造条件 Interpreter: let's create the conditions first Xi: 好,好 【更新版本文稿】 翻譯說:Everything we discussed is a leak to the paper, that's not appropriate. ( 我們討論的所有內容都對報紙洩露,這是不合適的。) Trudeau 回: In Canada, we believe in free and open and frank dialogue and that is what we'll continue to have and we will continue to look and work constructively together, but there will be things that we will disagree on and you wil...
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