
外媒详细解读彭丽媛对于习近平成功之路的重要作用,披露大量新细节 Foreign media interpret Peng Liyuan's important role in Xi Jinping's success in detail, revealing a lot of new details







我国的第一夫人彭丽媛在其老公习近平的职业生涯中发挥了重要效果。(Reuters: Jason Lee)












位于美国北卡州的古尔福德学院(Guilford College)我国政治学教授郭学治(George Xuezhi Guo)说:“因为她的个人魅力和人格魅力,彭丽媛在国内得到了大众的支撑。”

图为彭丽媛伴随习近平观赏一个咖啡农场,她帮助习近平刻画了一个注重家庭的形象。(Reuters: Randald Campos)




习近平是第一个揭露其个人日子的我国统治者,揭露议论他与彭丽媛的爱情。(Xinhua via AFP)






习近平常常在揭露场合与他的妻子牵手,这对我国国家主席来说是一个不寻常的行为。(Reuters: Jason Lee)





彭丽媛(右)打破了我国第一夫人在老公访问社会主义国家时不随访的潜规则。(Reuters: Curto de la Torre)







专家表明,我国宣传彭丽媛为第一夫人是一个故意平缓习近平形象的战略。(Reuters: Curto de la Torre)




彭丽媛和米歇尔·奥巴马常常与她们的老公一同到会国际活动。(Reuters: Andy Wong)

“我认为米歇尔·奥巴马和彭丽媛实际上展现了她们以时尚、高效和精致的方法与其他国家树立联络,并经过访问参加各种项目,”内布拉斯加大学奥马哈分校教授、女人领导力研究者赵今中(音,Joy Chin-Chung Chao)说。





专家说,彭丽媛有必要体现出完美我国女人的传统抱负。(Reuters: Christian Hartmann)


“这一称号表明了她在我国人民眼中的效果,”西德克萨斯A&M大学的谢明(Ming Xie)博士说。






毛泽东主席的妻子江青是他在文明大革命期间的亲信。(Wikimedia Common)







彭丽媛早在成婚前就现已有权有势,人脉宽广。(Reuters: Mikhail Metzel)












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Long before she married my country's most powerful man, Peng Liyuan knew what kind of husband she was looking for. In a 1999 interview with a Hong Kong talk show, the famed folk singer said she wanted a man who was "successful, ambitious, someone who can drive you". And when asked if her husband, Xi Jinping, who was far from the country's top leadership at the time, fit her bill, Peng Liyuan didn't hesitate. She said: "I have been married to him for more than ten years, and he must be very successful." Peng Liyuan's confidence in her husband's future has been proven right. Xi Jinping was elected as the leader of my country's Communist Party in 2012 and was named my country's president the following year, while Peng Liyuan also became the country's first lady. Unlike the previous First Lady of my country, Peng Liyuan enjoys the spotlight. my country's first lady, Peng Liyuan, has been instrumental in the career of her husband, Xi Jinping. (Reuters: Jason Lee) She has accompanied Xi Jinping to international conferences and diplomatic visits, and has appeared and delivered speeches at the United Nations and global charity events. She was also a driving force in helping her husband secure the support of 1.4 billion people, paving the way for him to seek a third term in power. Xi Jinping's Secret Weapon to Win People's Hearts and Military Support Before Xi Jinping became president in 2013, Peng Liyuan was already one of my country's most popular singers, far more famous than her husband. Peng Liyuan was born in 1962 in an artistic family in Shandong Province. Her mother is a well-known Chinese Henan Opera actress. In 1984, she joined the Song and Dance Troupe of the General Political Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Because of its rich resources and performance opportunities, the troupe has always been the unit of top musicians and artists in our country. YOUTUBE Chinese folk song singer Peng Liyuan sang one of her masterpieces "On the Field of Hope" She reportedly performed for the troops that violently suppressed the Tiananmen Square protests in June 1989. Peng Liyuan was promoted step by step, and in 2009 she was already a major general. By the time she became first lady, she was now the dean of the People's Liberation Army Art Academy. In addition to performing for the army and important ceremonies, Peng Liyuan is also a regular presence on my country's most-watched TV show, the Spring Festival Gala. She performed all over the country, attracting many audiences wherever she went. She is also not shy of politics and has led several campaigns to raise awareness of HIV/AIDS among the masses in our country. George Xuezhi Guo, a professor of Chinese politics at Guilford College in North Carolina, said: "Because of her personal charm and charisma, Peng Liyuan has won the support of the public in China." Peng Liyuan's popularity in the military had a big impact on Xi's career, especially when he first entered the military's central leadership in 2010, he said. The picture shows Peng Liyuan accompanying Xi Jinping to visit a coffee farm. She helped Xi Jinping portray a family-oriented image. (Reuters: Randald Campos) "She has always been regarded as one of the most important figures in smoothing the smooth liaison between Xi Jinping and the People's Liberation Army," Professor Guo said. “Especially in recent years, [Peng Liyuan] has been more and more effective in helping the party general secretary build an image of a benevolent leader who is caring, kind and compassionate to the people.” love story Since Xi Jinping became the country's most powerful man in 2013, Communist Party propaganda has used his ties to Peng Liyuan to flatten his image. Their love story was hyped up by the state media, a highly unusual act for a party leadership whose personal lives have been hidden from the masses of our country for decades. Xi Jinping was the first Chinese ruler to speak publicly about his personal life, publicly discussing his love affair with Peng Liyuan. (Xinhua via AFP) In 1986, at the arrangement of a friend, Peng Liyuan, then 24, met Xi Jinping, the 33-year-old vice mayor of Xiamen, Fujian Province. At that time, Xi Jinping had already divorced once. When we met, Peng Liyuan was wearing "loose army trousers" to see if Xi Jinping was interested in her simply because of her appearance and fame. But she said one of Mr. Xi's questions made her fall in love instantly. Xi Jinping asked: "How many singing styles are there?" This made Peng Liyuan feel that her talent was valued. Xi later told Peng Liyuan that he fell in love with her on their first date. He said, "I knew you were my wife within 40 minutes of meeting you." Xi Jinping often holds hands with his wife in public, an unusual behavior for a Chinese president. (Reuters: Jason Lee) The two married in 1987 and welcomed their daughter Xi Mingze in 1992. The couple kept their daughter hidden from public view, but Peng Liyuan sometimes mentioned her daughter in public appearances. Chinese state media reported that, like other Chinese mothers, Peng Liyuan was distressed by her daughter's frequent refusal to practice the piano for an hour a day. Xi and Peng Liyuan reportedly sent their daughter to the United States to study psychology at Harvard University until 2014. This detail has never been reported in our country. Tame Xi Jinping's 'unpopular' image abroad Peng Liyuan often accompanies her husband on diplomatic visits abroad, attends international conferences with other leaders' wives, and serves as UNESCO Special Envoy for Girls' and Women's Education. Peng Liyuan (right) broke the unspoken rule that my country's first lady does not follow her husband when he visits a socialist country. (Reuters: Curto de la Torre) In the history of the People's Republic of China, there has never been a first lady like Peng Liyuan. In the 1950s after the founding of the People's Republic of China, there was an unspoken rule in terms of diplomatic visits: when government leaders visited socialist countries, they were not allowed to bring their loved ones with them. If their itinerary is to a non-socialist country, the wife can go with them. It was not until 1961, inspired by the charm and soft power of the first lady of the United States, that my country saw the diplomatic value of the first lady. In 1963, Wang Guangmei, wife of then Chinese President Liu Shaoqi, visited Indonesia with her husband and other diplomats. Liu Shaoqi was later imprisoned by Mao Zedong during the Civilization Revolution and died in 1969. Since then, although the wife of the Chinese President will accompany her on foreign visits, no one has attracted international attention like Peng Liyuan. Experts say that my country's promotion of Peng Liyuan as first lady is a deliberate strategy to flatten Xi Jinping's image. (Reuters: Curto de la Torre) Over the years, Prof Guo said, Xi Jinping had become "one of the least popular international leaders in the West" and Peng Liyuan was crucial in smoothing his image. "Peng Liyuan has been leading the civilized component of Xi Jinping's soft power ... which has made a strong and dynamic contribution to our country's diplomacy," Professor Guo said. The Limits of First Ladies' Rights Peng Liyuan has transformed the role of my country's first lady into one more and more like the lover of the US president. During the early years of Xi Jinping's administration, Peng Liyuan forged a close relationship with US First Lady Michelle Obama. Peng Liyuan and Michelle Obama often attend international events with their husbands. (Reuters: Andy Wong) "I think Michelle Obama and Peng Liyuan actually showed how stylish, efficient, and sophisticated they are in connecting with other countries and participating in various projects through visits," said University of Nebraska Omaha professor and woman Leadership researcher Joy Chin-Chung Chao said. But while both women serve as pro bono diplomats for their countries, Professor Zhao said it was important to note that Peng Liyuan's powers would be even more limited than that of the US first lady. She pointed out that on one occasion in 2013, Michelle Obama refused to visit my country with her husband. "Michelle Obama actually declined to visit Peng Liyuan because it was her daughter's birthday," Professor Zhao said. For Peng Liyuan, she said, such a resolution was unlikely because she was expected to put her role as the wife of the president first. Professor Zhao said first ladies around the world were expected to stay within traditional gender roles, displaying femininity, motherhood and fidelity to their husbands. Experts say Peng Liyuan must embody the traditional aspirations of the perfect Chinese woman. (Reuters: Christian Hartmann) In my country, people call Peng Liyuan "Mother Peng", while Xi Jinping is called "Xi Da", which may mean "Papa Xi" or "Uncle Xi". "This designation shows how effective she is in the eyes of our people," said Dr. Ming Xie of West Texas A&M University. "Peng Liyuan is [regarded] as the mother of the whole country." In 2014, a music video widely shared by my country's state media included the lyrics "Men should learn from Da Da, women should learn from Peng Mama". "Prosper the family, prosper the country and prosper the world," the video sings. Why is it risky for our country to have a high-profile first lady? Experts say great care will be taken to ensure she never overshadows her husband, even though she is more popular among the people. Jiang Qing showed the dangers of a First Lady seizing too much power in our country. Mao Zedong's fourth wife, Jiang Qing, was a former actress who rose during the Civilization Revolution to become the leader of the "Gang of Four," the political faction that rules my country's Communist Party. Chairman Mao Zedong's wife, Jiang Qing, was his confidant during the Civilization Revolution. (Wikimedia Commons) "During the Civilization Revolution, Mao needed someone he trusted, and his best friend was basically Jiang Qing," Professor Guo said. Jiang Qing was arrested in 1976 after the death of her husband. Professor Guo said that Deng Xiaoping, who then took over the party organization, decided to strengthen "the party's standards and oppose the so-called wives' meddling in state affairs". "Party organizations limit the effect that party leaders' lovers can play in party politics. "It's not just Xi Jinping, it's not just the top leader of the CCP, it's the entire leadership system." But with Xi winning a historic third term, Professor Guo reckons Peng Liyuan will continue to play a key role in promoting her husband over the next five years. "It will be interesting to see whether Peng Liyuan's growing political influence within the Communist Party of my country will allow her to become more and more involved in party politics," he said. Peng Liyuan was already powerful and well-connected long before she got married. (Reuters: Mikhail Metzel) Dr. Xie also believes that Peng Liyuan is still a great asset to Xi Jinping. "Because of her experience, she really knows how to bring her effect to the public," said Dr Xie. "She still has a great positive effect on how the public perceives our top leader, and she is more amiable than Xi Jinping." But both Professor Zhao and Dr. Xie said that despite the rise of Peng Liyuan, my country's politics is still not a place where women are welcome. In the 100-year history of the CCP, the Politburo Standing Committee, the party's elite leadership group, has never had a woman. In the 25-member Politburo of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, there was only one woman, and the latest Politburo of the 20th Central Committee has no women. Our country is now in the midst of an intense debate about how women are treated in the family and in society. In January, after a video of a woman allegedly a victim of human trafficking in chains went viral on Chinese social media, dozens of dissidents signed an open letter to the United Nations demanding that Peng Liyuan be revoked as a Post of UNESCO Special Envoy for Girls' and Women's Education. "We live in a gendered society," Professor Zhao said. "We [have to] enforce gender roles to meet society's expectations, let alone when it comes to our country's male-dominated society and the Communist Party."



